Shielded UAS Operations (A45_A11L.UAS.87)
Certain small UAS (sUAS) Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations, such as structural inspection, may be in close proximity to structures that are collision hazards for manned aircraft. These types of operations that are in close proximity to manned aviation flight obstacles such that they provide significant protection from conflicts and collisions with maimed aircraft are termed “shielded” operations. This work effort is intended to identify risks and recommend solutions to FAA that enable shielded UAS operations. This effort will identify risks, determine whether shielded operations can be made safe, to what degree UAS Detect and Avoid requirements can be reduced, and recommend UAS standoff distances from manned aviation flight obstacles.
Mark Askelson
Exec. Director | Associate Dean of Research
Res. Inst. for Autonomous Systems (RIAS)
John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences
University of North Dakota
Email: |
Phone: 701.777.6880 | 701.777.6334