FAA Bessie Coleman Women in Aviation Initiative
Originally posted at faa.gov

Throughout aerospace history, women in aviation have revolutionized a vast array of disciplines such as Bessie Coleman, Amelia Earheart and Katherine Cheung in flight; Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson and Dorothy Vaughan in computer science; Colleen Barrett and Joanna Geraghty in aviation management; and Eileen Collins, Ellen Ochoa and Mae Jemison in space exploration.
Honoring the legacy of these trailblazers, this initiative aims to propel women in the aviation industry and the FAA into the future by drawing on the strength and expertise within this community of champions. In this spirit, the FAA has established the Bessie Coleman Women in Aviation Advisory Committee (BCWAAC) to seek recommendations from external stakeholders on creative ways to attract more women into aviation careers. The advisory committee’s work products will help inform the Bessie Coleman Women in Aviation Initiative on appropriate actions that the FAA may consider.
Section 403 of the 2024 FAA Reauthorization Act directs the FAA to establish the Bessie Coleman Women in Aviation Advisory Committee under the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The committee:
- Will advise the Secretary of Transportation and the FAA Administrator on matters and policies related to the recruitment, employment, education, career advancement and well-being of women in the aviation industry and aviation-focused Federal civil service positions.
- Is comprised of 25 or more leaders from a wide spectrum of aerospace stakeholders, both internal and external to the FAA.
- Will convene at least twice a year and develop an annual task report summarizing findings and associated recommendations for the Department of Transportation’s Secretary and related committees.
Each member will bring a fresh perspective that captures the unique array of needs and opportunities of the aviation industry.
How to Apply
- The application period is now open. Apply before 6:00 PM ET on Monday, December 23, 2024 to be considered.
- Make sure that you have all of the following materials prepared for your application:
- A short biography of the nominee, including professional and academic credentials.
- A résumé or curriculum vitae, which must include relevant job experience, qualifications, as well as contact information (email, telephone number and mailing address).
- A one-page statement describing how the candidate will benefit the BCWA, describing a primary and secondary interest to which the candidate’s expertise best aligns, as well as the candidate’s unique perspective that will advance the conversation. This may include interests and experience outside of the candidate’s job that will be beneficial for the committee. The candidate may also include a description of how they aim to contribute to the committee.
- Finally, candidates should state their previous experience on Federal Advisory Committees and/or Aviation Rulemaking Committees (if any), their level of knowledge in their above stakeholder groups, and the size of their constituency they represent or are able to reach.
- Nominations can be submitted electronically (by email) to the Federal Register website.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is FACA and where can I find out more?
The Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), 5 U.S.C §10, was enacted in 1972 to ensure that advice by advisory committees formed over the years is objective and accessible to the public. The General Services Administration oversees the compliance with FACA and the Department of Transportation Order 1120.3D provides further direction on the management of FACA committees. For more information, visit the FACA policy page and the DOT committee management policy and procedures page.
What about the Women in Aviation Advisory Board (WIAAB) recommendations?
The WIAAB submitted its report, “Breaking Barriers for Women in Aviation: A Flight Plan for the Future” in March 2022. The work of the Bessie Coleman Women in Aviation Initiative will build upon the work of the WIAAB and its comprehensive recommendations.
What are the duties of the committee?
The committee will provide independent advice and recommendations to the Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration in response to matters related to women in the aviation industry, aligned with the committee’s goals. The BCWAAC acts solely in an advisory capacity. Members will serve without compensation and will not exercise program management responsibilities.
The committee’s goals include:
- Identifying Barriers: Understanding challenges that limit women’s participation in aviation careers, including pilots, mechanics, air traffic controllers, and leadership roles.
- Recommending Solutions: Proposing strategies and initiatives to the FAA to improve access and increase the number of women in aviation-related fields.
- Promoting Diversity: Encouraging diversity and inclusivity within the aviation industry to reflect a broader range of perspectives and talents.
What’s the time commitment for committee members?
Committee meetings will be held twice per year, at a minimum. Members must attend all meetings either in-person or virtually.
Where can I access the application?
Follow this link to access the application webpage for easy access to the federal register notice.
Where can I submit nominations?
Nominations can be submitted electronically (by email) to BCWAAC@faa.gov. The subject line should state, “2024 BCWA Advisory Committee Nomination.” Anyone wishing to submit an application by paper may do so by contacting BCWAAC@faa.gov or by calling 202-267-5869. Questions can also be emailed to BCWAAC@faa.gov.
How do I know if I meet the qualifications?
All you need is a desire to promote the education, training, mentorship, outreach, recruitment, retention career advancement, and the well-being of the women in aviation professions.
No other specialized education or experience is required.
Who can apply?
Individuals from the aviation field or relevant industries are encouraged to apply.
Can men apply?
Absolutely! The committee was established to address barriers and promote the advancement of women and men interested in supporting those efforts are encouraged to apply.
If I served on the Women in Aviation Advisory Board, am I excluded?
No, members of the Women in Aviation Advisory Board are not excluded.
I applied, what comes next?
Once all complete submissions have been received, nominees will be selected after a review period. The selected nominees will be promptly notified when all members of the committee have been chosen.
The charter will terminate 2 years after its effective date unless renewed in accordance with FACA and other applicable regulations.
Contact Us
For questions regarding the FAA Bessie Coleman Women in Aviation Initiative and the Bessie Coleman Women in Aviation Advisory Committee, please email BCWAAC@faa.gov.